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Isnani Umi Muslikhah (Isna)
Sonobudoyo Museum, Yogyakarta
Isna works as museum staff at the Sonobudoyo Museum, Yogyakarta. Isna holds a Bachelor's degree in Architectural Engineering and is currently pursuing a Masters in Social and Political Sciences at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. In 2016, Isna participated in a Program entitled 'Capacity Building in the Indonesian Museum Sector' at Deakin University Australia. During her six years working at the Sonobudoyo Museum, Isna's responsibilities include planning the museum's program and budget as well as designing several temporary exhibitions. One of her most recent museum projects was a children-themed exhibition entitled 'Kembara Gembira' in June 2021, where she and the team designed an interactive exhibition layout for exhibition visitors.
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